


1.The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck


Bob chose Steinbeck as a favorite author and developed such an enthusiasm for his novel “The Grapes of Wrath” that he wrote a 15-page essay about it. “John Steinbeck is great.” Bob said.


One of Steinbeck's best known novels, this story has made it onto many book lists and English literature reading lists for its Pulitzer Prize. It should be known for its classic American themes of determination in the face of crippling discouragement, its vast descriptions of families caught in the teeth of the 1930's Depression, and a tenacious insistence on clinging to life. The Joad family survives a stop-and-go movement toward the golden shores of California, one family member's prison background, and economic instability – but not without a cost. The benefit of self-sacrifice comes through in Ma and Rosasharn, Jim Casy provides gritty life philosophy, and the characters without names provide arich tapestry of background.


2.Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller


“I like Henry Miller. I think he is the greatest American writer.”


What was salacious and banned American reading in the 1930's can now be added to anyone's reading list. The over-the-top descriptions of women's bodies provide insight into Miller's own tempestuous personal life, and the deep anger expressed at life's unfairness was all his own. From disappointing night club jaunts to a parade of interactions with prostitutes, the main character celebrates all things out of the ordinary and the triumph of the body – if not the body politic. They are good for free dinners and conversation, but not much more. Those inspired by the Beat writers, like Jack Kerouac, may find this a fascinating reading list addition.

20世纪30年代,露骨的美国禁书现在已经对所有人开放。对于女性身体的过多描写能让我们看到米勒混乱的私生活,以及他对人生中不公的愤慨。从让人失望地沉迷夜总会,再到与妓女厮混,主人公以一些非正常的事为乐,追求身体的愉悦,而与政治无关。它们使人们能够享受免费的晚餐,相互交谈,但也是仅此而已。那些喜欢垮掉的一代的作家的人,例如杰克•凯鲁亚克, 会觉得这个书目非常精彩。

3.On the Road by Jack Keroua


“It was Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac who inspired me at first and where I come from, there wasn’t  the sophisticated transportation you have now. ” “一开始,是金斯伯格和杰克凯鲁亚克激励了我,让我知道自己来自何方,你现在看到的复杂交通是不存在的。”

While the art of Vagabonding may have become currently popular via Rolf Potts' addition to travel junkies' favorites list, Jack Kerouac was the voice of the 1960's and 1970's wanderlust. The many adventures of Kerouac and friend Cassady are sprawlingly chronicled in a series of comments and descriptions, with no particular beginning and no particular end. For those who want social commentaries on economics, feminism, and racism, this book has it. Expansive descriptions of American life, culture, and attitudes are all here, along with the freedom of wide open spaces. Those trying to find a plot adhering to an outline may have trouble reading this.


4.“Howl and Other Poems” by Allen Ginsberg


“It was Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac who inspired me at first and where I come from, there wasn’t  the sophisticated transportation you have now. ”


Another current classic that made it through the censored reading lists, Ginsberg's effort has been hailed as the battering ram that opened the American ivory tower of literature to life celebrations of the 1960's. The book may have made it onto free thinkers' reading lists just on the basis of the publishers' alone, if not the ground-breaking headlines of the court case afterward. The word “hipsters” cavorts with “benzedrine” and “unconsciousness”, along with many recognizable and strange flashes of creativity. Sometimes repetitive, sometimes wild, this rant against the ceaseless desires of man provides unpredictability and grim depictions of gutter reality.


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