


六级翻译第二套 太湖




这句话描述太湖的概况。但由于句子长信息多,可拆分来翻。整句话有三类主要信息,第一介绍太湖,第二太湖面积,第三有90个岛屿。故可再细分成三句翻译:太湖是中国东部的一个淡水湖//占地面积2250平方公里,是中国第三大淡水湖,仅次于鄱阳和洞庭 // 太湖约有90个岛屿,大小从几平方米到几平方公里不等。第1句中的淡水湖,淡水于英文,无咸淡概念,而是流动,新鲜的水,故用freshwater。第2句,核心谓语是“是中国第三大淡水湖”。其余可做状语,其中的仅次于,可直接用after来作状语,鄱阳和洞庭的译法为Lake Poyang和Lake Dongting。第3句中的从…不等可用range from。

Lake Tai is a freshwater lake in east China. Covering 2,250 square kilometres, it is the third-largest freshwater lake in China, after Lake Poyang and Lake Dongting. Lake Tai has about 90 islands, whose sizes range from a few square metres to several square kilometres.

Lake Tai is a freshwater lake in the eastern part of China. With an area of 2,250 square kilometres, Lake Tai ranks the third-largest freshwater lake in China, after Lake Poyang and Lake Dongting. Lake Tai houses about 90 islands, ranging in size from a few square metres to several square kilometres.


此句较短,可直接按照标点符号划句:1. 太湖以其独特的“太湖石”而闻名;2. 太湖石常用于装饰中国传统园林。这其中有需要注意的易错点:1. ”太湖石”是专有名词,所以其中的太湖可用拼音代替,译为“Taihu stones ”;2. ”石头常用于”应用被动:be often used to; 3. 此句翻译为两个简单句之后,不要忘记在中间加上连词and来并列,因为一个句子中不能出现两个谓语动词;如果没有连词,也可以把第二句处理成从句或者非谓语的伴随状态;

The lake is renowned for its special ‘Taihu stones’, which are often used to decorate traditional Chinese gardens.

The lake is renowned for its unique ‘Taihu stones’, which are often used to decorate traditional Chinese gardens.


此句也可以直接按照标点符号断为三个部分:1. 自从上世界70年代后期以来;2. 捕捞鱼蟹对沿湖的居民来说极为重要;3. 并对周边地区的经济作出了重大贡献;这句的翻译中有这几个需要注意的易错点:1. 表达多于一年的概念时,需要加“s”和冠词“the”,也就是说上世纪70年代,要写成in the 1970s. 2. 对于水平有限的同学来说,“沿湖”和“周边地区”的概念可以简化并混为一谈,“很重要”和“做出重大贡献”也可以勉强混为一谈,但是最准确的译法还是得将这两组概念区分开来;

Since the late 1970s, the harvest of fish and crabs has been very important to the people who live around the lake and to the economy of the area around.

Since the late 1970s, harvesting food products such as fish and crabs has been invaluable to people living along the lakes and has contributed significantly to the economy of the surrounding area.


这句话的难点在于“陶瓷业基地”的翻译;如果直译的话,可以译为:the major industrial bases for ceramics;但是意译的话,其实可以直接理解为:the ceramic centres;

The lake area is one of the major industrial bases for ceramics in China.


这句话其实和上句话有强相关的联系,因为这句话的一开始就说了“其中”两个字;这里的其中,意思上应该理解为“太湖地区中”,所以表示地点上的联系;故此处把这句话处理成上一句的地点状语从句是最理想的。另外“举世闻名”最简单的翻译可以译为一个形容词:world-famous,如果不能写出此形容词,可以再用一个定语从句进行直译:which is famous worldwide.

…, where Yixing pottery factories produce the world-famous Yixing clay teapots.


Lake Tai is a freshwater lake in east China, covering 2,250 square kilometres. It is the third-largest freshwater lake in China, after Lake Poyang and Lake Dongting. Lake Tai has about 90 islands, whose sizes range from a few square metres to several square kilometres. The lake is famous for its unique ‘Taihu stones’, which are often used to decorate traditional Chinese gardens. The lake is also known for its fishing industry. Since the late 1970s, the harvest of fish and crabs has been very important to the people who live around the lake and to the economy of the area around. The lake area is one of the major industrial bases for ceramics in China, where Yixing pottery factories produce the world-famous Yixing clay teapots.

Lake Tai is a freshwater lake in the eastern part of China. With an area of 2,250 square kilometres, Lake Tai ranks the third-largest freshwater lake in China, after Lake Poyang and Lake Dongting. Lake Tai houses about 90 islands, ranging in size from a few square metres to several square kilometres. The lake is renowned for its unique ‘Taihu stones’, which are often used to decorate traditional Chinese gardens. The lake is also known for its productive fishing industry. Since the late 1970s, harvesting food products such as fish and crabs has been invaluable to people living along the lakes and has contributed significantly to the economy of the surrounding area. The lake area is one of the ceramic centres in China, where Yixing pottery factories produce the world-famous Yixing clay teapots.

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