



1. 被视为/被看作是 be regarded/considered/seen as

2. 由……制成 be made from / be made of

3. 反而,相反 on the contrary / in contrast

4. 据报道 It is reported that / according to the report

5. 大量的 a large number of / a large amount of

6. 就……而言 in terms of / as far as ... is concerned

7. 改革开放 reform and opening up

8. 越来越多的 more and more / a growing number of

9. 重视 pay attention to / attach importance to

10. 用于 be used to do / be used for

11. 传说,据传说 It is said that / according to the legend

12. 有……历史 have a history of

13. 对……有兴趣 be/get interested in sth.

14. 坐落于 lie in / be located in / be situated in

15. 作为……而出名 be famous as / be noted as

16. 起…作用,扮演…角色 play a role in / occupy a position in

17. 归因于 attribute to

18. 取得成就 achieve success / make achievements

19. 将、把……作为 take...as

20. 占account for

21. 因……而著名 be known for / be famous for

22. 追溯到,始于 date back to / be traced back to / date from

23. 与……不同 differ from / be different from

24. 最初,起初 at first

25. 发源于/源自 originate from / come from / be derived from

26. 努力做某事 struggle/make efforts to do sth. / work hard at sth.

27. 与时俱进 keep pace with the times

28. 以……为食 live on/ feed on

29. 被列为 be listed as / be classified as

30. 与……有关/有联系 be related to/ be associated with


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