



  part 1



  "The lady lived across the valley there beyond thathil.Iwas a young man then,for it was manyyears ago.Iused to ride over to see her; it was a long way, butIrode fast, for young men,as no doubt the Signora knows, are impatient.But the lady was not kind, she would keep me waiting,oh,for hours; and one day whenIhad waited very long Igrew very angry, and asI walked up and downin the garden where she had told me she would see me,Ibroke one of her roses, broke a branch from it;and whenIsaw whatIhad done,Ihid it inside my coat so;and whenIcame home Iplanted it, and the Signora sees howit has grown.If the Signora admires it,I must give her a cutting to plant also in her garden;Iam told the English have beautiful gardens that are green,and not burnt with the sun like ours."

  part 2

  然而,这位老先生看起来心情非常愉快;显然他对这两位陌生人很感兴趣,并愿意与他们结交,在心的服务生的帮助下,他们很快相识了;短暂的交谈之后,老人便邀请他们去他城墙外不远的别墅与花园做客.于是次日下午,夕阳西落,从开启的门窗轻轻瞥去,他们看到,兰色暗影已渐渐笼置棕褐的山峦,他们便欣然动身。 那里很平常,矗立着一座现代化小型别墅座,表面粉刷了一层灰泥。还有一座铺满鹅卵石的花园,园里石砌水池中有几尾金鱼慵懒地游动。靠墙的地方有一尊守猎女神及其猎犬的"雕像。 但是使这小园生辉的是一颗巨大的玫瑰。树已长过屋顶,几乎完全遮住了窗户。空气中满是玫瑰的芳香。 这株玫瑰的确不错,听了客人夸奖,伯爵得意地说。他还表示非常乐意把树的来历讲给夫人听。 于是他们坐在那里,一边饮,一边听他以老年人满不在乎神情,愉快地提及他的那一段往日爱情,仿佛他相信他们对此一定早有耳闻。

  参考译文 ∶

  The old gentleman, however,seemed cheerful enough;and it was plain that he tookan interest in the strangers,and wished to make their acquaintance.This was soon effected by the friendly waiter;and after alittle talk the old man invited them to visit his vil and garden which werejust outside the wall of thetown.So the next afternoon, when the sun began to descend, and they sawin glimpses through door-ways and windows, blue shadows beginning to spread over the brown mountains,they went to pay their vist.It was not much of a place, a small, modernized, stucco villa,with a hot pebbly garden,and initastone basin with torpid gold-fish,and a statue of Diana and herhounds against the wall.But what gave aglory to it was a gigantic rose-tree which clambered over the house,almost smothering the windows, and iling the air with the perfume of its sweetness.Yes,it was a fine rose,the Conte said proudly when they praised it, and he would tell the Signora about it.And as they sat there, drinking the wine he offered them,he alluded with the cheerful indifference of old age to his love-affair,as though he took for granted that they had heard of it already.


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