

2024-06-30 16:57:43 发布




Original: Calling home twice a week when一was at school.Revised: I called home twice a week when I was at school.

Original: Walking along the river in the Indian summer relaxing both my body and mymind.

Revised: Walking along the river in the Indian summer will relax me physically andMentally.

Original: Many students go to school and live at home. In this way combining theadvantages of both school and home.Revised: Many students go to school and live at home, in this way combining the advantagesof both school and home.

Original: The pulp of pumpkins is also used in making pumpkin pie. A traditionalThanksgiving dish in America.Revised: The pulp of pumpkins is also used in making pumpkin pie that is a traditionalThanksgiving dish in America.其次,从意义上看,一个完整的句子所表达的意思应该是完整的,而不是残缺不全的。


Original: Born in a small town in North China in the early 1960s, he grew up to be a veryfamous novelist.Revised: He was born in a small town in North China in the early 1960s, His father read hima lot of novels when he was a little boy. Under his father s influence, he grew up to be a veryfamous novelist in 1980s.

Original: Nowadays, Bicycles are so popular.Revised: Nowadays, Bicycles are so popular in China that almost every family has atleast one.



Original: Looking out of the window, a group of students are playing happily on thegrassland.Revised: Looking out of the window, he saw a group of students playing happily on theGrassland.

Original: My father told him that he had gained a very important lesson just now.

Revised: My father told him,“You have gained a very important lesson just now.”

Original :A man should not he judged by what he says but by his deeds.

Revised: A man should not be judged by what he says but by what he doesOriginal: The plan we prepared at first sounded good.

Revised: The plan we first prepared sounded good. /The plan we prepared sounded good atfirst.

Original: Students should learn to analyze and solve the problem independently. Don talways rely on your teachers help.Revised: Students should learn to analyze and solve the problem independently. They shouldnot always rely on their teachers help.

Original: Between the two windows hang a picture.Revised: Between the two windows hangs a picture.



Original: Annabelle is a very charming woman.

Revised: Annabelle is very charming.

Original: He is a boy who is twelve year, old.

Revised: He is twelve.

Original: In my opinion, I think we should take effective measures to stop environmentalpollution.

Revised: In my opinion, we should take effective measures to stop environmental pollution.

Original: My father is very particular about the wine and he only drinks the wine that isproduced in France.

Revised: My father is very particular about the wine and he only drinks French wine.

Original: Helena, who is a freshman in Peking University, goes to the lake every morningwhere she will read aloud

Revised: Helena. a freshman in Peking University, goes一。the lake every morning to readaloud.



助动词do 用于加强陈述句和祈使句的语气。

例句A: The letter I was expecting塑arrive yesterday.我期待的那封信昨天终于到了。

例句B:Do come to visit us, if you are free.有空的时候一定要来啊。

用形容词very, every, only, single, such等修饰名词来加强语气。

例句A: That s the very textbook we used last term.这正是我们上学期用过的教材。

例句B: You are the only person here who can speak French.你是这里罕有的会讲法语的人。

用ever, so, such,never, very, just, badly,really, definitely等副词进行强调。

例句A: This is just what I wanted.这正是我所要的。

例句B: I really don t know what to do next.我的确不知道下一步该怎么做。

用in the world, under the sun, on earth, in hell,at all 等介词短语进行强调。

例句A: Where in the world could he be?他到底会在哪儿?

例句B: Are you worried about the forecast at all ?你对这项预报没有丝毫担心吗?


例句A: How interesting a story it is!这是一个多么有趣的故事啊!

例句B: Oh, what a lie!啊,真是弥天大谎!


例句A: Why! Why! The cage is empty!为什么!为什么!笼子是空的。

例句B: They walked for miles and miles.他们走了好多好多里路。


例句A: I agree with every word you ve said一every single word.我同意你说的每句话—每一个字。例句B: It s YOUR task, Anna.,to escort this officer to the frontier.安娜,把这个军官护送到边境去是你的任务。


例句A: One can t he too careful with work.一个人无论怎样认真地对待工作都不过分。

例句B: There is no pain so great that time will not soften.没有时间不能抚平的伤痛。


例句A: That is the best meal I have ever tasted.那是我吃过的比较好吃的饭。

例句B: To invent a lie about my mistake is the last thing I will do.编造说言掩盖自己的错误是我不愿意做的事情。

用层进法进行强调。层进法就是在一定的句子成分后面加上let alone, not tomention, not to speak of, to say nothing of等附加语,以强调后面的事物。

例句A: Those days, we could not send our children to middle school, let alone college.那时候,我们连送孩子上中学都负担不起,更不要说上大学了。

例句B: He can not speak English, to say nothing of French.他连英语都不会说,更别提法语了。

用If条件句来进行强调。主句通常是"I don’一know who does/is/has, etc.”“nobody does/is/has, etc.”或“it be…’等。

例句A: If you can t do it. I don t know who can.要是你做不了这件事,我不知道还谁能做。

例句B: If there is one thing she loves, it is money.如果说还有她爱的东西,那便是金钱。


例句A: It was we who held a League meeting in the club yesterday,是我们昨天在俱乐部召开了一次团会。例句B:It was in the club that we held a League meeting yesterday.我们昨天是在俱乐部召开了一次团会。用what引导强调句型、这种结构只能用来强调句中的主语或宾语。

例句A: What Mrs. Calder is proud of is her son s success,卡尔德夫人引以为傲的是她儿子的成功。例句B: What made his mother sad was his had manner.使他母亲伤心的是他那种恶劣的态度。用倒装句进行强调。佛山韦博英语学校为考生整理的倒装有,可分为将整个谓语置于主语之前的全部倒装和仅将助动词、情态动词或be动词等功能词置于主语之前的部分倒装。

例句A: Save him she could not; but she avenged him in the most terrible fashion afterwards,她没有办法挽救他,但她终以一种可怕的方式为他报了仇。

例句B: Never before have we seen such a sight.以前我们从来没有见过这样的情景。




例句:Then, suddenly, all of the young people were up out of their seats, screaming andshouting and crying, doing small dances of joy. All except Vingo.突然之间,所有的年轻人都从座位上跃起.他们尖叫、大喊.有些人跳起了欢乐的舞。除了文戈。使用连接词合并简单句。

Original: The teacher is deeply attracted by the movie. The students are deeply attracted bythe movie. too.

Revised: Not only the teacher but also the students are deeply attracted by the movie.


Original: He studied civil engineering there. He wanted to build a highway for his homevillage in the future. He loved his village very much.

Revised: He chose civil engineering as his major because one of his dreams was to build a highway for his home village, which he dearly loved.

使用There be句型。

例句A: There will be abundant evidence to prove his innocence.大量的证据能证明他是无辜的。

例句B: There seems to be an irreversible trend in the replacement of mineral oil as the main power of automobile.对汽矿油能源的替代似乎成为不可逆转的趋势。


例句A: With the rapid development of global communication, cultural shock has become an obstacle in front of those who live or study in a foreign country whose culture is quite different from their own.随着全球交流的快速发展,文化冲击已经成为在完全不同文化背景下居住和学习的外国人所面临的一个障碍。

例句B: Undoubtedly, the gap between the poor and the rich has become much wider than before.毫无疑问,贫富差距已经变得比以前更大了。


例句A: Born in a poor family, he knew how hard life would he without money.出生在贫困家庭,他知道没有钱生活会突得多么艰难。

例句B: Disappointed completely with what he has done, Francis decided to split with him without any delay.对他的所作所为太失望了.弗朗西斯决定立刻和他断绝关系。


例句A: It is apparent/obvious/evident that effective meaures should he taken to solve theproblem of heavy traffic in Beijing to pave the way for the coming 2008 Olympic Games,很显然,应该采取有效措施来解决北京的交通拥堵问题,以便为2008年奥运会做好准备。

例句B: The dusty air makes it difficult to get a clear picture of space.含太多尘埃的空气使人们难以拍摄到清晰的太空照片。


例句A: I plan to spend my holiday in Hawaii, the beautiful tropical islands with luxurious entertainment.我计划在夏威夷这座充满奢华钱乐的美丽的热带岛屿度假。

例句B: Michael Douglas. an actor, producer and husband of Catherine Zeta Jones, is one of the biggest box-office draws in the 1980s and 1990s.迈克尔·道格拉斯,这位演员、制片人,以及凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯的丈夫,成为20世纪80到90年代比较具有票房价值的艺人之一。


例句A: The question being settled, we went home. 问题解决后.我们回家了。

例句B: He came out of the hank hurriedly, with a big envelope under his arm.他匆匆走出银行,腋下夹着一个大信封。


Original: The days when we suffered from oppression and exploitation arc gone.Revised: Gone are the days when we suffered from oppression and exploitation.Original: When you turn on TV, you will,a lot of advertisements on it.


TAG:百科 | 英语 | 能力提升 | 英语写作 |
例行记者会/Regular Press
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英语单词可以分为以下几类: 1. 名词 (Nouns) -表示人、动物、物体、地点、概念等具体或